SnarrTech's services include:
- WorkSTEPS® pre-employment testing and functional capacity evaluations
- Development of OSHA-compliant job descriptions
- Training courses for safety personnel
- Group safety educationutilizing Occucom® A Repetitive Motion Injury Prevention Training System
SnarrTech helps companies increase productivity, reduce injuries, write ADA- and OSHA-compliant job descriptions, match the right employees to the right jobs, prevent lawsuits, and more.
Ergonomic Specialist Sharon Snarr MPT, CAE, CEES, saves time and money for organizations large and small, from school districts and assembly line manufacturers, to federal, county, and city offices. Sharon is highly qualified to provide your company with the right expertise.
SnarrTech is a licensed WorkSTEPS® provider of pre-employment, Fit for Duty, and Functional Capacity Testing.
SnarrTech has also teamed up with Occucom® to provide training for prevention of injury.
The OccuCom® system utilizes the following four-phased, approach:
Phase I: Getting The Facts - Involves the surveillance and investigation of workers and employers regarding their injury and illness trends.
Phase II: Analysis Of The Data/Finding the Solution - The gathered data is analyzed and prioritized in terms of the risk level, as well as report with reasonable recommendation for action.
Phase III: Implementation of Fixes or Interventions - Involves the actual implementation of the recommended action items with project timelines.
Phase IV: Evaluate The Results - Lastly, is to reevaluate or measure the program results and the tracking of outcomes to determine its effectiveness.